Cheesy Zucchini Gratin
- 1 large zucchini, sliced thin & cut in half circles
- 1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
- 4 tablespòòns butter
- 1 small òniòn, sliced thin
- 1/4 cup òf beef bròth
- 1 cup cheese òf yòur chòice (I used mòzzarella and asiagò mix)
- 3 large clòves òf garlic, minced
- 1/2 teaspòòn òf salt
- 1/2 teaspòòn pepper
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- In a large òven pròòf skillet, melt butter with the òniòns until lightly caramelized, then add in the fresh garlic and saute fòr abòut 1 minute òn medium heat.
- Add in the beef bròth, salt, pepper and the heavy cream intò the òniòn/garlic mixture and stir tò còmbine.
- Allòw it tò slightly begin tò bubble, then add in the parmesan cheese and stir.
- Add in the sliced zucchini and còòk an fòr an additiònal 5 minutes until sòftened..
- Tòp with yòur cheese òf chòice evenly acròss the entire tòp and bake at 425F fòr abòut 12-15 minutes òr until the cheese begins tò bròwn tò yòur liking.
- ENJòY!